Saint of Mt. Koya
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"The old man went on, however, saying that the idiot boy to whom she was married had come to the doctor's house for treatment when the girl was at the very height of her reputation. He was just a young boy then, accompanied by his rustic father and a long-haired brother who carried him down from the mountains. They had brought him for treatment of a tumor on his leg that made it difficult for him to walk.

"They were given a room at the house where they could stay while the boy was being treated, but it turned out that the tumor was a serious one and the doctor had to drain off a large quantity of blood. Since the patient was just a child and needed to be in good health in order to undergo the operation, he was given three raw eggs a day to eat, and a poultice was placed over the tumor to relieve the pain. When the poultice was peeled off, it had dried on the tumor so it pulled the flesh off, causing the boy to cry out in great pain. Neither the father nor the brother was able to quiet the boy, but when the girl removed the poultice, he did not cry out at all.

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